Russian 2 Species Snow Sheep Combo Hunt
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This is a once-in-a-lifetime hunting adventure in the mountains of Russia, above the Kamchatka Peninsula, in the vast Yakutia Republic. Located in the northern part of Eastern Siberia, Yakutia is the largest subnational governing region in the world, with mountains covering more than two-thirds of its land. This Yakut and Okhotsk Snow Sheep combination hunt takes place in the northeastern part of Yakutia. The Sette-Daban and Suntar-Khayata mountain ranges, located along the border with the Khabarovsk region, provide the perfect backdrop. With elevations ranging from 5,200 to 6,500 feet (1,700 to 2,100 meters) above sea level, this is an exceptional opportunity to hunt two iconic snow sheep species in one unforgettable adventure.


  • Species: Okhotsk Snow Sheep
  • Average Classification: 34 - 40
  • Shot Opportunity: 80
  • Weapon: Rifle
  • Hunt Catalog #: RB6109-07
  • Tag Availability: Landowner Voucher
Classification details:

Variety of sheep from 34-36' with some 40+ in the area. The shot Opportunity is depending on the hunters will and the weather.

Available Dates

August 01, 2025 - September 30, 2030


  • Member Price: $48,900.00
  • Non-Member Price: $55,500.00

*SPOTS AVAILABLE FOR 2025 and beyond! Extra costs are: What is included in hunt price: meet & greet in Moscow airport; accompanying of our representative; accommodation and meals during the hunt; guide and staff services; trophy fee; trophy field care; veterinary certificates. What is NOT included in hunt price: Extra costs: invitation papers and gun import/export permit ($300), or gun rental fee; visa; airfare to/from Kamchatka; helicopter transfer to/from the camp, if needed; hotel and meal before/after hunt; personal expenses; overweight baggage; taxidermy service and trophy shipment; tips.


Okhotsk, Russia, Russia

Refund Policy:

Deposits are not refundable. When you make a deposit or payment that money is used to reserve your adventure dates and we cannot sell them to anyone else. If for some reason you have to cancel, you will lose your deposit and any payments you have made. If you are concerned that you might get sick or otherwise have to cancel, we suggest buying trip insurance. There are insurance companies that specialize in providing insurance policies for outfitter bookings and hunts. One such company we recommend is It is also our policy, depending on the adventure you booked and at our discretion, that if you have to cancel and we are able to book a replacement for you at the regular price we will work with you to apply your deposits to another adventure. Please note that we cannot refund or roll state or government license fees, application fees, draw results, or tags.


Yakutia Republic, the huge remote area, locates in the northern part of Eastern Siberia. It is the largest subnational governing area in the world. Mountains cover over two-thirds of its territory. This outfitter does Yakut and Okhotsk Snow Sheep hunts and combination of two in north-eastern part of Yakutia, Sette-Daban and Suntar-Khayata ranges along the border with Khabarovsk region. The elevation in the hunting area is 5,200-6,500 feet (1700-2100 m) above sea level. It is a spot-and-stalk hunt on foot, with daily route of 3-10 miles, with crossing thru the rough terrain. This outfitter takes two hunters in a group, each has two-three guides. Pre-scouting is done usually. Average shooting distance is 300-400 yards. These sheep have the heaviest horn bases between all Asian snow sheep, with average length of 34"-36". APPROX. HUNT SCHEDULE: Day 1 – arrival to Moscow, flight to Yakutsk. Day 2 – arrival to Yakutsk, overnight. Day 3 – transfer to the camp. Day 4-11 – 8-day hunt for Yakut Snow Sheep. Day 12 – transfer to the next camp. Day 13-20 – 8-day hunt for Okhotsk Snow Sheep. Day 21 – transfer to Yakutsk. Day 22 – flight to Moscow.

HuntX Scale (Low 1 - 5 High)

  • Lodging & Accommodations: Backpack Tent

    Lodging & Accommodations Scale

    5 - Cabin/Lodge

    4 - Bunk House/Trailer

    3 - Wall Tent

    2 - Backpack Tent

    1 - Client Provided/Hotel

Tented base camps on 2,000-2,500 feet above sea level. Separate tent for kitchen and dining. Shower/banya. Electric generator. Hunter should bring their sleeping bag and pad. Spike tented camps on 3,800-4,200 feet, 10-30 miles from the base camp. Hunter can sleep in equipped off-road truck also. Wall tent for social time and rest and other tent for sleeping.

  • Menu & Food: Field Kitchen

    Menu & Food Scale

    5 - 5 Star Catered

    4 - Full Kitchen

    3 - Field Kitchen

    2 - Backpack Food

    1 - Client Provided

Breakfast and Dinner provided before and after hunt, lunch will be provided in the field.

  • Physical Conditions: Heavy Hiking

    Physical Conditions Scale:

    5 - All Vehicle Access

    4 - Light Hiking

    3 - Moderate Hiking

    2 - Heavy Hiking

    1 - Extreme Back Country

This is a Russian Mountain hunt and will be very hard hiking. Hunter should be prepared for a very physically demanding hunt. It is a spot-and-stalk hunt on foot, with daily route of 3-10 miles, with crossing thru the rough terrain.

Transportation (To/From Basecamp)

Hunter will arrive to Sheremetyevo airport in Moscow, where outfitter will meet hunter and help with custom formalities. Then hunter will fly (6-7-hour flight) to Yakutsk. Transfer to the hunting area takes from 12-14 hours (min. 450 miles) by 4x4 vehicle, mostly on the highway. Transportation between base camps, in case of combo hunt, is done by helicopter, off-road vehicle or air boat.


  • Lodging & Accommodations
  • Menu & Food
  • Physical Conditions


Yakutia is well known for its extreme and harsh climate. The hyper continental tendencies result in very warm summers for much of the republic. But the proximity of the Arctic Ocean can cause sudden snow storm even in July. Day/night temperature fluctuations are between 70F (20C) and 30F (00C) in August, 60F (15C) – 20F (-50C) in September, and lower temperatures with snow on the ground in October. What hunt includes: meet and greet in Moscow airport; accompanying of the outfitter's representative; all transportation to/from hunting area and between camps; accommodation and meals during the hunt; guide and staff services; two sheep trophy fees; trophy field care; veterinary certificates. Extra costs: invitation papers and gun import/export permit ($300), or gun rental fee; visa; airfare to/from Yakutsk; hotel and meal before/after hunt; personal expenses; overweight baggage; taxidermy service and trophy shipment; tips. A full gear list and gear consultation will be provided by Rolling Bones Outdoors as part of your Adventure Journey.

What Outfitter Provides

List to be provided by outfitter

What to Bring

List to be provided by outfitter

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